7 Types of Plants To Overcome Cough

Coughing is not a disease , but a symptom of a disease . Coughing is the body's defense mechanism to clear the respiratory tract .

Cough medicines commonly used are those containing antitussives , decongestants , expectorants , or a combination . For treatment in addition to conventional medicine with herbal medicine can also .

The problem faced is still not much data is available with regard to the mechanism of herbs in treating coughs . Abdul Moneim , MSI, PhD from the Graduate Faculty of Pharmacy Herbal UI Department of OB Herbal Junior at the launch in Jakarta , Thursday ( 02/09/2012 ) revealed several findings about the plants that can cope with cough , both traditionally and through scientific research .

Here are some plants that can be used to treat a cough :

1 . Ginger Rhizome ( Rhizoma Zingebris ) . Ginger and preparations have long been used for the treatment of flu symptoms . The effects associated with its activities as an immunomodulator . In addition, some compounds contained in ginger can be beneficial in increasing the body temperature . Ginger clinical trials more widely used as an anti- nausea and vomiting .

2 . Mint leaves ( Folia Menthae ) . Anti- cough effect : As an expectorant . Essential oils stimulate the respiratory mucosa ; increase or dilute mucus secretion ; give a sense of cold , as well as lowering the surface tension of the lung , thus improving the flow of incoming air . Another effect of Mint Leaf : As an anti- microbial .

3 . Rhizome Powder ( Kaemferaie Rhizoma ) . The main benefit is overcoming respiratory disorders . Effectiveness data for respiratory disorders are generally still in experimental animals . Usage on Aromatherapy : for relaxation , carminative and sedative . Other Uses : Cosmetics in the skin . Activity : Ethyl cinnamate , asorelaksasi .

4 . Fruit Lime ( Citrus Aurantii Fructus ) . Usage Lime to cough more done empirically. Benefits of essential oil content : As the aroma therapy of the respiratory tract . Benefits of Vitamin C content : Can be connected with The activation munomodulator . The current clinical study for standardized extract ( Sineprin ) is more widely used for weight control .

5 . Herba Timi ( Thymi Herb ) . Thymi is a plant that has long been used as antibatuk . The main effect as an expectorant and antis pasmodik . This activity is thought to be related contents Essential Oils ( thymol and carvacrol ) , and flavonoids . Thimi lubrication oral and intra- muscular in experimental animals , showed stimulation of the respiratory tract . In a double-blind randomized clinical trial in 60 patients complaints of productive cough . Use of Thimi Syrup ( 3x10mL/hari ) for 5 days , proved to give the effect is not significantly different from bromheksin.

 6 . Seed Nutmeg ( Myristicae Cement ) . The main content is the Nutmeg Seed Essential Oil . Use of Nutmeg Seeds that have supported scientific studies is as a sedative and carminative . Animal studies prove Seed Nutmeg may increase the duration of sleep time .
7 . Sweet Root ( Radix Glycyrrhizae ) . Roots Manis is the main raw material for the OBH ( Black Cough ) . Cough developments Black is now combined with conventional medicine . Sweet Root is the main content of Glisirisi

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