Words very Helpful

However bad mood, 
do not write on the face, 
because no one likes to see.

Day no matter how poor, 
do not talk about it, 
because no one reason to give you money.

Work tired, 
do not complain, 
because nobody unconditionally for you to do.

Then life is short, 
do not arbitrarily spoil, 
because no one to pay for your health.

No matter how tough life, 
do not lose faith, 
because tomorrow will be better.

It is a bad character, 
but also to obey their parents, 
because you also have a day old.

I'm not afraid to stab me in the back, 
I'm afraid after seeing back stab me was my intention to treat people.

I am not afraid to tell the truth the best friend, 
and I was afraid of her back and tell others regard it as a joke.

If the sad effort looked up to the sky it, 
it is so large, 
it will be able to accommodate all your grievances.

Help people you do not forget, 
people do not hate loved you, 
trust you do not cheat.

Time does not necessarily prove a lot of things, 
but we will let you see through a lot of things.

7 Types of Plants To Overcome Cough

Coughing is not a disease , but a symptom of a disease . Coughing is the body's defense mechanism to clear the respiratory tract .

Cough medicines commonly used are those containing antitussives , decongestants , expectorants , or a combination . For treatment in addition to conventional medicine with herbal medicine can also .

The problem faced is still not much data is available with regard to the mechanism of herbs in treating coughs . Abdul Moneim , MSI, PhD from the Graduate Faculty of Pharmacy Herbal UI Department of OB Herbal Junior at the launch in Jakarta , Thursday ( 02/09/2012 ) revealed several findings about the plants that can cope with cough , both traditionally and through scientific research .

Here are some plants that can be used to treat a cough :

1 . Ginger Rhizome ( Rhizoma Zingebris ) . Ginger and preparations have long been used for the treatment of flu symptoms . The effects associated with its activities as an immunomodulator . In addition, some compounds contained in ginger can be beneficial in increasing the body temperature . Ginger clinical trials more widely used as an anti- nausea and vomiting .

2 . Mint leaves ( Folia Menthae ) . Anti- cough effect : As an expectorant . Essential oils stimulate the respiratory mucosa ; increase or dilute mucus secretion ; give a sense of cold , as well as lowering the surface tension of the lung , thus improving the flow of incoming air . Another effect of Mint Leaf : As an anti- microbial .

3 . Rhizome Powder ( Kaemferaie Rhizoma ) . The main benefit is overcoming respiratory disorders . Effectiveness data for respiratory disorders are generally still in experimental animals . Usage on Aromatherapy : for relaxation , carminative and sedative . Other Uses : Cosmetics in the skin . Activity : Ethyl cinnamate , asorelaksasi .

4 . Fruit Lime ( Citrus Aurantii Fructus ) . Usage Lime to cough more done empirically. Benefits of essential oil content : As the aroma therapy of the respiratory tract . Benefits of Vitamin C content : Can be connected with The activation munomodulator . The current clinical study for standardized extract ( Sineprin ) is more widely used for weight control .

5 . Herba Timi ( Thymi Herb ) . Thymi is a plant that has long been used as antibatuk . The main effect as an expectorant and antis pasmodik . This activity is thought to be related contents Essential Oils ( thymol and carvacrol ) , and flavonoids . Thimi lubrication oral and intra- muscular in experimental animals , showed stimulation of the respiratory tract . In a double-blind randomized clinical trial in 60 patients complaints of productive cough . Use of Thimi Syrup ( 3x10mL/hari ) for 5 days , proved to give the effect is not significantly different from bromheksin.

 6 . Seed Nutmeg ( Myristicae Cement ) . The main content is the Nutmeg Seed Essential Oil . Use of Nutmeg Seeds that have supported scientific studies is as a sedative and carminative . Animal studies prove Seed Nutmeg may increase the duration of sleep time .
7 . Sweet Root ( Radix Glycyrrhizae ) . Roots Manis is the main raw material for the OBH ( Black Cough ) . Cough developments Black is now combined with conventional medicine . Sweet Root is the main content of Glisirisi

Vegetables Contains the Highest Fiber

All kinds of vegetables contain fiber which is necessary to facilitate the digestive tract working. Therefore, do not hesitate to give vegetables to your children, because there is no negative impact of consuming vegetables.

Due to lack of fiber include flatulence, constipation to colon cancer. Well, keep on how to choose vegetables that your kids love.

Vegetables are very easy to get and the price is not too expensive. In fact we can get from our own garden or garden of our lives. Once we get the vegetables, cook the vegetables with varied recipes that your kids do not get bored.

We can make a special soup ingredients such as beans, carrots, mushrooms, macaroni, celery leaves, leaf pre with chicken or beef broth original. It could also meatball sauce rich content and pre celery.

Good luck, Be smart Children

Minimalist House Design Model

Some of the benefits we can get from the model of minimalist home design include:

1. Feels more comfortable  
Yeah , now it's been a lot of people in Indonesia who are looking for minimalist design houses because they tend to prefer the convenience factor offered . Both the exterior and interior will look unbalanced and cause maximum comfort even when compared to other home models.
2. Modern nuances
Modern home design minimalist modern nuances that can also satisfy your craving . The applied force can also be adjusted to individual taste . Modern -style house like this of course will make you feel more at home in the house.
3. Look neater

Although in general the model house is minimalist design looks tiny when compared to other home models , but also will look neater . Of course the first impression that people will look to your house is not as neat order of the goods contained in it , but because of our ability to organize various items in the room is tiny , so it looks more presentable and attractive.

4. More hard sell in the market  
Homes for sale that carries a minimalist design is also very hard sell in the market , because it is a dream house and a favorite of many people in Indonesia.

5. Can eliminate boredom  
Minimalist design house also can eliminate the boredom that usually experienced by any person to use a variety of decorative ornaments such as knick - knacks and other accessories . Too many characters that fill the space that sometimes make you feel bored and lazy to clean it . But , with a minimalist design brings , room in the house can be made more open and sealed to minimize wall , so the room could be felt more widely as needed.

Some of the benefits of fruit

Some of the benefits of fruit

The average person consumes only by her favorite kind of fruit. Carefully they will not know that every fruit contains nutrients that had surgery and is suitable for consumption by people who work in different fields.

Persimmon :
People whose jobs are very labor-intensive and tiring very useful when eating lots of fruit Persimmon. Fatigue often occurs due to lack of blood, while the Persimmon fruit is rich in iron, so as to stimulate the formation of hemoglobin.

Mango :
Rich in beta carotene and enzymes unique, can smooth the skin, and again can prevent the appearance of wrinkles, suitable yntuk very concerned about the appearance of women.

Sunkist oranges :
Can help the driver who often inhale pollutants in order to get rid of toxins in the body.

Wine :
Has expectorant function / throw sputum, eat when you're coughing. However, for people with diabetes are advised not to eat them .

Papaya :
Can improve sexuality.

Pineapple :
Suitable for consumption by athletes. He can solve problems and inflammatory swelling, can improve blood circulation and injury.

Banana :
Can make in the attitude of the waiters entertain guests for the better --- he can relieve tension, improve performance, reduce fatigue.

The origin of Wild Ginseng

Ginseng is a type of long-lasting nutritious plants , grown in the cool weather and moist with fertile soil . 

Main Components of Ginseng 

A number of research and studies by medical experts indicate that ginseng contains ginsenoside, asini oils, organic acids, esters, amino acids, other oxygenic compounds, a variety of vitamins and enzymes, as well as a number of other elements and useful content. 

Various Ginseng Products
  1. Changbai Mountain Ginseng - ginseng species are naturally warm, a major commodity distribution in the Jilin Changbai mountain region in China and Vladivostok in Russia.
  2. American Ginseng - This type of ginseng is naturally cool, better known as American Ginseng , which mostly comes from the United States , Canada and Francis.
  3. Korean Ginseng - ginseng species are naturally hot, most of the region, North Korea and South Korea .
The efficacy of Ginseng 

Ginseng is highly recommended as a health supplement that works to slow down the process of aging, ageless and long life, increase stamina, menghulangkan toxins, and to promote beauty. Also according to several symptoms such as : lack of energy, tired, drowsiness, lack of appetite, excessive sweating, high blood pressure, anemia, pallor, excessive urination, constipation, premature ejaculation, fertility problems in women, stain - stain black on the skin, high blood sugar levels, excess cholesterol in the body, rheumatoid arthritis, and heart failure. 

In addition, there are some cases where patients with cancer or tumors are advised to consume ginseng along with chemotherapy and radiotherapy to help alleviate disease, improve appetite and sleep patterns, increases the production of white blood cells, slow the progression of tumor cells and to release the anticarcinogenic effects rebuild the immune system and increase the chance of cure of cancer patients. 

How to Consume
  1. Ginseng preparation in powder - about 1-3 grams of powdered wild ginseng, taken with warm water before eating .
  2. Preparation of ginseng in cut - cut 3 - 10gram wild ginseng, add some red beans, Khee chi or bacon and cook for 4-6 hours.
  3. Ginseng root in the dye liquor - dip it into a mixture of ginseng root and herbal wine, soak them for 30 days, and minmlah 1-2 small glasses before bed.

10 type Women Favored by Men

1. Wise Woman 
Know when to flirt knows when to be pampered like a child . If he was a student, he would not selfish to ask him to accompany her truancy and , do not ask do not buy something when he does not have income . As he already has a source of income he did not forget to call complaining why would not ask her to please you with sweet words when he was upset, because her mood is getting worse and will also be able to hold her and always stand beside him.

2. Kind understanding woman, is rich in information 
He will not always ask him to budge. Men should understand tolerant and accommodating, not because she is a woman but because she is a man. However , he could not wait to spoil and take the initiative to apologize, otherwise he would carefully take heart, apologize to him.

3. Beautiful woman with vision 
When he and his friends went along, he can dress up with beautiful but not flirty, just going to wear a sexy outfit moments with him. He will always treat her differently and another man, and does not always show her beauty to the masses.

4. Women who have a sense of responsibility 

In this modern era, only emphasized man to have a sense of responsibility, in fact as well as women should. Many women who choose men for power, for profit, for money, for the potential. They are willing to sacrifice for the sake of their physical feelings and get something they want. Women like this along with you this time just because he wants something good, then one day he would go meninggakanmu to get something else out there. Do you want to side with women who no sense of responsibility ? A good woman like treating yourself and others with responsibility , self-control in material terms.

5. Women who respect and love herself

Women who either want to get to know, understand first when meeting with people he liked, follow the juice naturally. Would you men want to marry women who mingle freely ? So if you meet with women who respect and love him, cherish , especially women who are like this are rare.

6. Virtuous woman 
In today's era of increasingly great pressure, the men also experience tremendous pressure to earn a living outside. A figure of a virtuous woman should be able to share the pressure with a partner, at least have a career and a life of its own values​​, is not only dependent on men. Women will be able to reap a valuable lesson in social life and pressures, making themselves more mature , has more skills and also strong and bold.

7. Women who love the couple and herself

Women who can not love herself, men also can not love you. Many women who sacrificed much for the sake of her partner to ignore the existence of ourselves, in the end only in reply to the waiver. If viewed from all aspects that make men turn is rooted in her own. forever man will still have a great curiosity, and again he will feel it is a commonplace that, over time he will not love her. Therefore the clever woman who will love him first, cherish her​​, mecintai appearance, continue to keep updating his appearance makes him feel attracted, met with female figures like this, do not want no can not.

8. Women who have their own space and also provide space for the men 

Women like this have their own friends, at the moment is being sadly confide to friends, do not have to say all the guts uneknya partner: Also have friends of the opposite sex alone, but he clearly knows the boundaries of their relationship, so that the men do not have to worry about it, he knew clearly that there are limits. 

9. Acting outside, get in the kitchen at home 
Though just an old song , but nevertheless the development period, a man still hope she can look beautiful out there and upon his return home he can provide delicious food at the same table. But for a woman, it is not easy to do.

10. Women who love their partner with a sincere heart 

He does not need to be the most beautiful, the most charismatic should not, should not the smartest, but he certainly is one of the most loved .He can take care of when he was il , heard all their complaints guts when he was a lot of trouble and giving spirit, when he is needed he can give unconditional attention. Maybe he is a little fussy, but it's because he loves her !
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