Arabica coffee from Indonesia

Coffee Arabica From Indonesia 
Defined taste your coffee in each variant, found surgical Indonesian Arabica coffee, feel the joy

Coffee Names
Tasting Notes

Aceh Gayo Coffee is one of Indonesian specialty coffee which has a unique flavor and aroma. The fertile land and the climate of Nangroe, produces excellent and qulified coffee. The name Gayo comes from a tribe somewhere in Aceh Tengah. Gayo people are well-known as great coffee farmers, so that makes it the biggest coffee plantation center in Asia. Aceh coffee is very favorited by many coffee lovers around the world. How about you? Have a nice Aceh Gayo Coffee from us.

Tasting Notes of
Aceh Gayo Coffee:
Deep flavor with herbal spice, hint of vanilla, and good acidity in between

Mandheling Coffee, it is a world well-known coffee from Sumatra. It is first grown by Dutch Colonial and it has a strong character. It is known as mandheling, which actually comes from a name of Mandailing tribe. Mandheling coffee is a blend coffee of several Sumatran best coffee which is blended together. So that is why it has a different and unique flavor. Java Lorek serves you Mandheling Coffee for you coffee lovers.  

Tasting Notes of
Mandheling Coffee:
A blend of chocolate and herbal flavor, concealed floral, and good acidity at the end.

Sidikalang Coffee, one of the unique coffee from North Sumatra which is undoubtedly great in flavor. The taste and aroma of Sidikalang coffee are compatible with the best coffee from around the world. Coffee plantation center of Sidikalang is in the area of Bukit Barisan, exactly in the plateau of Dairi. The name of Sidikalang is taken from the name of the capital city in District Dairi. The cool and fresh air, and the mountainous land which is rich of mineral, creating a high quality green beans. We present the best Sidikalang Coffee for You. Have a nice try.

Tasting Notes of
Sidikalang Coffee:
Refreshing herbs with a little bit spiciness and sweet memorably tasteful.

Lake Toba Coffee is a new star coffee from Sumatra. As the largest coffee producer in Indonesia, Sumatra island has the best coffees spreading on plateau through Aceh to lampung. It is originated from arabica coffee plantation on the plateau around Lake Toba. It tastes different and unique, so that makes it favorited by coffee lovers in the world. Have you tried it?

Tasting Notes of
Lintong Coffee:
It's pleasant with citrus, taste sweet, slightly acid, and beautiful aftertaste.

Java Coffee is the most famous coffee in the world. It is originated from coffee estate in Ijen highland, East Java. It is such a famous coffee, even the use of the name Java is not only for coffee which comes from Java, but also to show the elegant and exclusive coffee serving method in another country. Java coffee is a worth try. It is a must.

Tasting Notes of
Java Coffee:
A blend of spices, hint of sweetness, herbs, and a good acidity in the middle.

Kintamani Coffee is derived from Kintamani highland in Bali Island. Bali coffee is a high quality coffee since it grows in a cold and dry area. It is one of Indonesian coffee which has different flavor and aroma. Kintamani people keep their local tradition very often. They produce a tasteful Kintamani Coffee with a sense of Bali culture. Are you interested to try?

Tasting Notes of
Kintamani Coffee:
Refreshing citrus, fruity in the middle, mild and passionate.

Flores Bajawa Coffee is one of the most-liked coffee  in the world. This coffee is from a highland in Flores Island, and it has a tempting and different aroma. It is one of Indonesian best coffee. Flores coffee is tasteful and tempting. Find a complex flavor in each cup of a coffee from Nusa tenggara Timur. It is a worth try.

Tasting Notes of
Flores Coffee:
It's chocolaty, woody with a hint of floral fragrance, and sweet aftertaste.

Toraja Coffee is originated on a highland in Tana Toraja. This is a pride coffee of the people in Sulawesi. It spreads worldwide, and becomes favorite in East Asia. With a typical flavor and aroma, this coffee really has a special place for coffee lovers in the world. Toraja coffee is a great choice for those who like the real fine coffee of Indonesia. Here it is, Toraja Coffee is ready to brew right now.

Tasting Notes of
Toraja Coffee:
Sweet herbal like cinnamon, sometimes hint of clove, and sweet spicy finishing.

Papua Coffee is one of the world’s best coffee in flavor and aroma. The area of Papua has fertile soil and natural maintained. It produces the best quality of coffee. The coffee estate is still traditionally maintained by the people without using chemicals. Surely it results the organic green beans, with a unique feature. We proudly present one of the best coffee in the world, Papua Coffee special for you.

Tasting Notes of
Papua Coffee:
Smooth and nice, aromatic, sweet sensation and fruit fragrant aroma.


types of coffee on top, You can select a suitable coffee for your taste buds

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